What have you learned from you audience feedback? (Ancillary task)
From my audience feedback of my ancillary task i have learnt a number of ways in which this dighipack is successfull and good, and a number of ways in which this digipack could be improved. I uploaded the digipack photos to facebook which allowed friends and family to comment on what they thought was good and what could be improved on the digipack. As you can see from the print screens below we good a number of good and bad comments. One thing that i learnt from the comments were that the writing could be a lot more bold and stand out more on the front cover on Casey which millions dont come easy and MC Cabe. These should stand out more and we shoul of made that artists name stand out more, so it is obvious who we are talking about. The pictures got very good comments, for example the main picture of Casey looks professional and is well taken and edited, however the picture of my on the following panel could also be in black and white which would match Caseys picture to give it a good effect and to show continuity throughout the digipack, also this will make the picture stand out even more. "I think this font style, colour and boldness should be used throughout to give the album a recognisable brand" This comment was very helpgul when i was looking at the audience feedback. This was because they writing stood out clearly and if we used this font throughout the whole digipack the other bits of writing would be more recognised. Overall i would say out comments were very helpful for us to improve our digipack if we were to do this again, and one person gave us a rating of 8 out of 10, which is good, but means there is still areas for improvement.
There is some really helpful and interesting comments here. I think you have responded well to them, but could take it further. How did people feel it followed or challenged genre conventions? Ask them! JIN
There is some really helpful and interesting comments here. I think you have responded well to them, but could take it further. How did people feel it followed or challenged genre conventions? Ask them! JIN
ReplyDeleteYou've developed this now but I still feel you need the visual material. JIN