Tuesday, 15 February 2011

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? (Ancillary task)

In our ancillary task we had many idea's due to real media products. These products were digipacks and CD covers from famous artists. The main artists that we was inpsired by due to their digipack was Drakes album. Drake is also a hip-hop/Grime artists which is another reason we took interest in his digipack, so we could get usefull ideas. On the front of Drakes CD Cover, is a bold picture of him as a artist which catches the eye of the audience, this meant that on our digipack we used a image of our artist "MCCabe" and used photoshop to use a interesting and outstanding effect to the front cover. My media product does not really challenge many conventions of a real media product. The reason for this is because before i started doing my digipack i looked at various different types of digipacks from all different genres and looked at how my digipack could benefit from looking at these. Things that i noticed from all the digipacks that i looked at were:

  • it has the same colour theme throughout the digipack

  • it has to have a track list

  • a main front cover with the album name , the artists name and a picture

  • same font all the way through


  1. Nathan- why dont you upload some images to evidence your discussion here? This would also make your post more visual. You have considered use of and challenging conventions. How about development? This is relevant to your work.

  2. This is evaluation is incomplete.You must come and see us if you have any problems. Use the coursework lunchtime sessions or after school if you need the support. JIN
